I absolutely love sewing for the Historical Sew Fortnightly challenges. It gives me just the incentive I need to get going and sew! This fortnight's challenge was Paisley & (or) Plaid. I knew I would be making something out of my beautiful pink paisley, but I was at a loss for what to do with it. I searched and searched through our pattern stash, looking for something that was 1945 or earlier, and only took 4 yards or less. I finally decided on this jacket, made a successful mock-up, and then started in on the real deal!
I really like my new jacket. It's comfy, and such a cute print! The sleeves are very comfortable, and have plenty of room in the shoulders (amazingly enough!)
Fabric: Rose Garden Jaipur Paisley by April Cornell
Pattern: Vogue V8767
Year: 1938
Notions: Buttons, Thread
How historically accurate is it? About 98%. I serged around the hems of the sleeves. Other than that, I think it is quite accurate.
Hours to complete: 6-8 hours (?)
First worn: Today for pictures
Total cost: $35, approximately. I don't know the exact original cost of the fabric.
I also made a new skirt to go with the jacket. I wanted something kind of 1938-ish, so I used Butterick 3134, lengthening it by 10 (!) inches, and replacing the waistband with a facing. I'll definitely be using that pattern again. It is very easy to sew, looks good on, and is comfortable!
Inside view of the facing
The fabric I used is a really annoying, sort of stretchy, iron-resistant polyester. It isn't easy to get a nice flat hem, but I think I managed it.
I love that peplum! It's not super full, so it doesn't accentuate the hip area.
All in all, I'm really happy to have a whole vintage outfit to add to my wardrobe. It feels amazing to have made something!
I am starting a 1950's polka dot nautical dress from Vogue V9000. I can. not. wait. to have that done!
Special thanks to my mom for the loan of her hat! :)
All photos copyright © Dolly Creates.
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