Well, it's not actually a "cage." It is a corded petticoat! With all of my upcoming 1860s-ish sewing, I needed some volume going on. I'm not going to do a hoopskirt, not only because I don't have one, but just because...yeah. They're big.
So, I read up on corded petticoats, did some figuring, and whipped up my own! It was a breeze to sew, and is excitingly voluminous!
The Challenge: Re-do. I chose to "re-do" HSF challenge #12, which was "Shape and Support."
Fabric: Ava-lon muslin, 3.5 yards
Pattern: Self-drafted
Year: 1830-60
Notions: 20 yards of cording, thread, buttons
How historically accurate is it? Very, other than the fact that it is machine-sewn.
Hours to complete: 8-ish
First worn: Never!
Total cost: $34
This was a very easy project to make, with the time-consuming part being sewing in all that cording. I just cut two widths of fabric 54" long, gathered them up, added a placket, waistband, then marked my hem and chopped it off evenly. I allowed 4 1/2" for the hem so that it would fall in between the second and third rows of cording. Then I started in on the cording, beginning at the bottom, and working my way up. I would definitely recommend a corded petticoat for a hoop-wary historical seamstress.
The lovely blue lines are proof that I just finished it! That is the reason for my late-in-the-day post.
I used 5/32" cording, which really seems to be the perfect size! It's stable without being stiff.
Confession time: I still have to sew on the buttons! It will be done soon though, I promise.
I'll be back next week with an outfit post!
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