Monday, February 9, 2015

• Green 1940s Shirtdress •

I had intended to post a different dress today, but in view of how much I love my brand new shirtdress, I moved it up to the front of the schedule. Today's post is actually similar to last week's, because the pattern I used is not a vintage reproduction. (shocking, right?)

I was perusing our pattern stash last week, unsure what to make, so I decided to take a peek in the box of non-vintage patterns. I thought that maybe, just maybe there would be something in there that I could redeem. I went through the box several times before I decided that this pattern, Butterick 5846, might just fit the bill! It had definite possibility; a yoke with the bodice gathered on, lots of pleats and a pretty but not too full skirt. 

On a whim, I decided to look it up online to see what other people's renditions of the pattern looked like. Was I ever surprised to find that everyone else referred to it as a "1940s shirtdress!" I happily did some measuring and jumped into making it.

I made the longer skirt from view C, which ended up being the perfect length. I also omitted the button closure on the skirt, and put in a side zipper.

I have long admired this fabric at JoAnn, but something else always caught my attention and I would end up not buying it. I even saw it up in WI when we were on vacation, but still didn't buy it. A few weeks back, however, my parents bought it for me for my spiritual birthday, and I was very happily surprised! It is so perfectly vintage. I just love it!

I had intended to use some different little pearl buttons, but I didn't have enough of them. It worked out for the best though because these little beauties match even better! My mom had them in her button stash, and let me have them.
She's just nice like that. :)

This buckle was a marvelous find at an antique store a few weeks back, and it really matches the dress very well. I actually share the buckle with another dress, which I will talk about more next week! 

I absolutely *love* the details of this dress; the pleats make it nice and fitted at the waist, while being extremely comfortable and roomy on top. 
And all of that topstitching!! I love it!!

I really had no problems while making it other than with the collar. The collar pattern piece has little triangles which you are supposed to staystitch around and snip on one collar piece so that it can be slipstitched down over the seam allowances once the collar is finished. I found out (after sewing everything....and trimming everything) that those triangles need to be moved about 2 3/8" out (towards the points of the collar), or you will end up having that much of the collar seam showing. Thankfully, it was a pretty easy fix.

I really like the skirt, but I feel like it's not quite authentically 1940s. Although the pattern pieces might be able to be laid out a little differently, my dress took 5 yards, which is more than a typical 1940s dress would have taken. All that aside though, since our fabric isn't rationed, I don't have a problem with making a slightly fuller, swingy skirt. :) 

• Photography by my mom •


  1. Oh! This is such a pretty dress. I love the fabric, buttons, buckle and style! : ) I haven't seen that fabric at our JoAnn's, I will have to look for it next time I am there.

    1. Oh, thank you, Sarah!! I hope you find the fabric - it is so pretty and very good quality! It came out of the dryer just like new. :)

  2. Shirt dresses are the best!

    1. Thanks, Kira!! Shirt dresses are indeed the best! :)

  3. Great dress, Esther! I will be looking for this pattern next time there is a sale. I've been thinking a lot about shirt dresses lately, and just might have to make some for this summer. ~Sarah A.

    1. Thank you, Sarah A.!! You would love the pattern - it's a very easy sew. :)


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