Monday, February 15, 2021

• Great is Thy Faithfulness •

It’s nearly time for my yearly blog post, don't you think??  It has been quite a while...and for good reason!!!  For many people, 2020 was a terrible, heartbreaking year, and while it still had its many trials and tribulations, it was truly the best one of my life.  It started out with heartaches and transitions, but soon brought healing, unity and peace.  The Lord blessed me with a new job that was truly an answer to prayer...meanwhile the Lord was working things out such that a certain strikingly handsome, incredibly wonderful man was finding his way into my heart right at the same time.  Fast-forward to October, where we found ourselves getting married on a blustery fall day, surrounded by close friends and family.  What a year, what a whirlwind of blessings and what an amazing, merciful God and Heavenly Father!!!!  

I won’t be sharing wedding pictures publicly, but I will add a few snapshots from the day, as well as some other photos of what I’ve been up to since the last post.  

The Lord has blessed my dear husband and I so much, and I am living my lifelong dream of being a homemaker and LOVING it.  God is truly so, so good.  ❤️

I made my dress...just 12 days or so before the wedding!!!!  I'll share more photos of my dress in a separate post, but for now, here's one taken just before it was hemmed! 


Now for a few throwback photos....

Back in March, we attended an Eastern Front reenactment with a Russian civilian impression. 

We also got chickens that month....

And I sewed an apron for that purpose, patterned after an original in our collection. 

The first egg “harvest”

The new coop!

Potato planting

Made lefse for the first time on my own!

Also finished a UFO pinafore...and sold it.

1940s blouse for me...

A late ‘30s zipper front frock...still one of my favorite dresses to wear!

Made donuts from my vintage cookbook!

They were quite tasty indeed!

My ruffly housecoat and leftover good hair...

Started a simple patchwork quilt made from scraps of previous projects! 


I'll share more pics in part 2 of this post in the coming weeks....


  1. Oh lovely it was to stop in for a visit with you! I am delighted to hear your special news! Congratulations, dear! What a wonderful season of life... Your dress is just lovely!
    2020 also started our bumpy thanks to Covid... But then, like you, the Lord did a remarkable thing, and brought an incredible, Godly young man into my life and after courting for two weeks we knew we wanted to get married! And now, just over two months later, we are approaching our wedding day which can't come soon enough for us...
    God is so faithful and He cares about the smallest details.
    So special to read how He has been working in your life.
    Blessings and love,

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment t, Kelly-Anne!!! What a blessing to hear your amazing story!! Praise the Lord!!

  2. So great to hear from you again Esther and to read about the fantastic end to your year. I am so pleased that you have found happiness with your "special man" and look forward to reading more in your next post.
    Blessings, Rebecca

    PS Have you stopped posting on Instagram?

    1. Thank you for your comment, Rebecca!! Yes, I decided to step away from Instagram, but the plus side is that I will be blogging more frequently!

  3. Congratulations Dolly on your wedding and it's so good to read a post from you. You look beautiful and I love the simplicity and modesty of your dress.

    1. I'm sorry Esther I got your name wrong. I know your name but I just had Dolly on the brain. I'm so glad that God blessed you with a godly man.

    2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Regina!! :)

  4. Glad to see you back again. Congratulations on your marriage. You did a beautiful job on your wedding dress, can't wait to see details of the making of it.

    1. Thank you so much, heartsease54!! I just finished the post about just that subject ;)

  5. Congratulations! What wonderful news--many years on your marriage!! Your dress is gorgeous and I look forward to reading more about it. :)

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