Wednesday, November 2, 2016

• Fall Teacup Exchange •

Today I'm sharing the gifts I received and sent out for The Enchanting Rose teacup exchange.  Stephanie hosts this lovely event twice a year, and it is always a joy to participate.  She does such an amazing job of arranging it all, for which I am so thankful!  :)  

I was absolutely thrilled when I got the mail one day and found a package from Emily!  She blogs over at Emily's Vintage Visions, and has such great vintage (and historical) style.  It was so exciting to get a package from her!!

She sent this gorgeous Franciscan Desert Rose tea cup.  I have admired this pattern for a long time, but did not have any in my collection.  I really hadn't realized how beautiful it was until now; I just love it!!  :)  It's also so neat how every tea cup I own has a rose pattern.  Too fun!!!  :D

Along with the tea cup she sent a couple of gorgeous vintage hankies, one with a rose pattern (yay!!), and another with a white-on-white floral and scalloped edges.  I just love them both!

She also included this stunning brooch, which I am dying to wear!

Thank you so, so much for the lovely gifts, Emily!!!  I enjoyed each and every one of them.  :)  


I sent my package to the lovely Delvalina, who blogs over at Falling in Love with Jesus.  

It was so fun how the things I sent tended to be in the same color scheme, without me even planning it!  I love this color of blue, and I'm so glad Delvalina did as well.  I included two skeins of Downton Abbey yarn, as well as a cute little notepad. 

The tea cup is from an antique shop.  The floral pattern caught my eye right away, and I had to get it.  I can't remember the name, but I know it was an English company.

Do check out Delvalina's blog, if you haven't already done so; she makes the loveliest crafts, including really gorgeous cards!  The one she sent for a thank you was just stunning.

And a big shoutout to Stephanie for hosting the exchange once again!!  Thank you so much, dear lady!!  :)

Also, my Etsy shop is on sale, now through Thursday, November 2nd.  Use coupon code FLASHSALE to take 20% off of your purchase.  Happy shopping!  :)


  1. Good morning, dearest Esther! Ah, what a joy to see what you sent and received. The tea cup from Emily is simply lovely and how fun that all the tea cups you own have rose have excellent taste, my friend :)

    The brooch is quite beautiful and I hope we get to see your lovely self wearing it.

    Love, love, love the pretty things you sent to dear Delvalina. The yarn looks perfect with the tea cup. Just beautiful, my dear.

    Once again, thank you for joining the exchange. It brings me great happiness to know you enjoyed yourself. Hugs!

  2. SO happy to have been pair with you Esther! And how awesome that all your tea cups have roses. Glad you are enjoying the items I sent and can't wait to see how you style the silver pin. :)

  3. What a pretty teacup! And the vintage hankies are ever so lovely.

  4. What a beautiful gifting you received from Emily! I just love that teacup, roses are so beautiful and the linens were delightful! I know you must be enjoying the beautiful brooch too! All the lovely things you sent to Delvina were lovely too! I am enjoying the tea partying today, happy to have met you in my travels! :)

  5. Your parcel seems perfect for you with the vintage theme and a pretty teacup.

  6. Two wonderful packages....those hankies are so pretty! You are very blessed! :)

  7. Two beautiful packages. I love the teacup you received, and that one you sent is so unique. Love.

  8. I have a warm spot in my heart for Franciscan patterns. Desert Rose is lovely. It reminds me of Franciscan's apple pattern. My Aunt had a whole set of the apple, glasses included! It was so much fun to visit with her. Thanks for the memories! You received lovely rose themed items. Enjoy and Happy Tea Day!

  9. I always love seeing what everyone gets and gives... So much fun!!


  10. What a beautiful package you have received. Those handkerchiefs are darling, love the white on white.

    The tea cup you sent off is gorgeous!


  11. What awesome treasures you received. That is a really neat teacup!

    And the lovely things you sent out are wonderful too!

    Your blog picture is very pretty with you in your vintage garb and hat! : - )

  12. You received a beautiful teacup! And the vintage linens always seem to be well pretty :) You sent a lovely teacup out as well. Enjoy your day,

  13. What lovely packages sent and received. I didn't know that Downton Abbey had its own yarn collection!

  14. Gorgeous! I think she knew what you like .Vintage hanky would be my pick.

  15. Thank you ladies so much for stopping by and commenting!!! :)


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