Saturday, January 30, 2016

• Sale Time! •


It's time for a sale in my Etsy shop! I reached 50 sales last weekend, so to thank you, my lovely customers, there is a sale on through Monday, February 1st. Use coupon code CELEBRATE to take 20% off your purchase.

Also, I just listed some new patterns in the shop!

These patterns and more just hit the shop yesterday. Vintage patterns from the 1970s-90s, plus some more modern styles in a wide range of sizes. And use the coupon to save 20%! :)

Thanks again for all your support of both my blog and my Etsy shop! :) You are all very much appreciated.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

• Mom's Original 1950s Dress •

It's time for a throwback post! ;) 
A you can tell, these pictures were not taken very recently, as evidenced by the immensely green backdrop. But since we haven't had the time, weather, or inclination (hello, head cold #3!) to take pictures this past week, it was time to pull up a draft post and get it posted.

This dress is one of my favorites of my mom's dresses! It was, in fact, her first vintage-style dress she ever made. She used Butterick 5920, modifying the neckline and drafting a collar based on a vintage dress illustration.

As you can see, the collar in the top right picture was the inspiration. I think she did a lovely job emulating it!

(Read the rest of that vintage dress pamphlet here.)

The fabric she used is a 1950s reproduction, and I absolutely love it. Pink....floral....polka dots all over...I'm in love! ;)

Since the shoulders were going to be a little too wide, she added vertical tucks on the top of the shoulder, both front and back, which brought in the width without restricting movement or messing up the armscye.

Those red buttons are the perfect accent!! They look totally different on the back side; I used them on my infamous walkaway dress as well.

And...who could help but love her adorable sandals?!!! They're soooo cute, and perfect for vintage styles. <3

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

• Blogging Again!! •

Long time no see!! ;) It has been a crazy month so far, to say the least.

First I got sick on Christmas day, and was sick for a full two weeks afterwards, then it decided to come back again about a week later. So I do have an excuse for shamefully neglecting my blog!! :) 

And the other excuse is all the sewing I've been up to! We're working on vacation outfits, three of which I have finished, and am working on the fourth. So to hold you over, here are a few sneak peeks of them!

First off is this comfortable blue 1940s dress, perfect for travelling in the car. And who doesn't love having to make only one buttonhole?! ;)

Next is this polka dot 1950s, commonly known as the "chocolate bonbon dress." This picture was taken before it was quite finished, but you get the general idea. I'm happy to have finally sewed up this fabric! :)

This third one is pretty much my pride and joy. A 1940s sundress and bolero that really meets all my expectations of it! :) I can't wait to pick seashells by the ocean in this!

And lastly is this rayon dress I'm currently working on. In this picture it's actually just pinned to Thelma Lou (no darts in the bodice, unfinished back get the idea.) ;) But I am thrilled with how it's coming out, and how easy the fabric is to work with, unlike any other rayons I've dealt with thus far! 

Hopefully I'll have a "real" post up next week, but I had to update a bit so you didn't entirely forget about this blog! ;) Thanks for bearing with me!

See you next week!