Friday, July 24, 2015

• A Peek into the Past •

I was looking at the HSM page yesterday, and noticed that next month's challenge is Heirlooms and Heritage. Inspired, I decided to finally take a dig into some of our old pictures for inspiration!
These are pictures from my mom's side of the family; we don't have many pictures from my dad's side of the family from way back. I'll have to ask my Grandma for some! :)

This is my great-grandma Cecilia, who died when I was about 2 years old. She was born in 1905, so she was probably 3 or 4 in this picture. 
(Notice the deep hem on her dress!)

This is my other great-grandparents on their wedding day in 1914. Anton was born in 1889 and Clara was born in 1896. They both died before I was born.
Isn't her dress amazing?!! It's so wonderfully fluffy and intricate.

This is my grandma, who was born in 1925. This picture has no date, but it looks suspiciously like a graduation picture, making the date around 1943.
This is definitely my favorite picture of her; look at that hair!

My grandma and grandpa on their wedding day in September of 1945. They wore matching suits (rather than a dress on my grandma), no doubt because of the shortages due to the war.

Grandpa and Grandma owned a photo studio for years, so we have quite a few photos of them and their family from over the years, and they're very good quality.

Here they are with my aunt in late 1946. Notice they are wearing their wedding suits again!

Christmas, 1946.

Four generations! The lovely lady on the right was my grandma's sister.
(There's Grandma's wedding suit again.)

And now for cuteness overload.
My mom! Wasn't she the cutest little girl EVER?
Yep, she was.
And I happen to have a vintage pattern for a little girl dress that looks exactly like this. I can't wait to make one! :)

My grandma (far right) with her parents and siblings in the mid-late 1950s. Isn't my grandma's dress lovely? I see a petticoat! And I just >love< great-grandma's shoes!

And lastly, here is the same set of great-grandparents standing in front of their house in the late 1950s. 
Great-grandpa died just four months after their 60th wedding anniversary in 1974. 


I hope you enjoyed these pictures! I just love looking at old photographs, even when they're not of my own family. There's so much to look at!
And after studying these pictures for a while, I think I know what I'll be making for next month's HSM! I won't entirely give my plan away, but it has something to do with a suit.... ;)


  1. Thank you for sharing. All the photos are just lovely and what a treasure to have! Your site is great and every post is a joy to read.

    1. Awww, thank you so much, Emily! You're so sweet, thank you!!

  2. Thank you for sharing these priceless family images with us. The vintage lover and avid, passionate family genealogist in me both loved seeing them sooo much.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. You're welcome, and thank you, Jessica! I love old photos too.

  3. What lovely photographs. I love the wedding suit. What practicality people had back then. The story goes my grandmother was married in a blue suit, but unfortunately there were no photos taken. (It was my grandfather's second marriage, and was very low key). I often wonder if she made it, being a seamstress herself. The wedding dress is lovely.Is it a fringed shawl she is wearing? I have a series of wedding photos of my great grandmother and her siblings, dating from 1914-1927, and it is basically the history of the receding hemline. In 1914 it sweeps the floor, 1916, war shortages make it just above the ankle, and by 1927 its a knee length dress, but still with the long veil. Amazing the fashion history one can see in old photographs.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Kaitlyn!! Those photos you have must be absolutely stunning!! I would love to see them sometime!

  4. I LOVED this post!!!! :-) Seriously, I think looking at family photo's and family trees are the most FUN thing ever. I feel like writing a book about your family now. Haha. (Don't worry. I won't. It's just that these photos gave me a TON of writing inspiration.)

    Your Grandma was SO gorgeous! What a beautiful lady. That picture of her as a teenager is just FLAWLESS. HOW DID SHE MANAGE THAT HAIR?!!! I also love the wedding suits. Such a good idea. :-) Also your Granddad is really handsome. Just sayin'. :-P

    I LOVED this post. I might make one of my own. :-)

    ~ Naomi

    1. Aww, thank you, Naomi!! :) Wasn't my grandma the most gorgeous lady ever? I have no idea how she got that hair, but it's quite obvious I didn't inherit the trait. ;)
      Thank you for your comment!!

  5. Such precious pictures! I love old family photos. Your grandma was a beautiful lady. I have a similar graduation photo of my grandma, and it is displayed in my room next to my grandpa's WWII photo. Somewhere I have a copy of their 1946 wedding...I should put that on display as well (especially since I am blessed to have my grandma's wedding dress hanging in my closet!). I LOVE the last photo of your great-grandparents. What a legacy, and they are just adorable. :) Have a wonderful day, Esther!

    1. Aren't they wonderful photos! I love looking at them!
      Oh my, you are so blessed to have your grandma's wedding dress. That is amazing!
      Thank you for commenting as always, Sarah A.!! :)

  6. Your grandmother was gorgeous! Your family must have a great hair gene in there somewhere. Thanks for sharing, I love looking at family pictures :)


  7. What lovely photos! You are so fortunate to have them. I can definitely see the family resemblance .

    1. Thank you so much, Irene! I am so happy to hear that! :)

  8. Your grandmother was so pretty! And how funny how often she wore that suit. I think I know what you are going to make... :D


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Wasn't she the best?! Hmm...I think you do know! :)
      Thanks for commenting!!

  9. What lovely photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. I love it when I see pictures of my own grandparents and great-grandparents. Years ago, people dressed nicely, regardless of whether it was a casual or dressy occasion! BTW, I think it is sweet that your grandparents wore matching suits on their wedding day! :-)
    Have a great week! Thanks again!
    God bless

    1. Thank you so much, Marie!! If only more people would dress in such a way these days!!

  10. Love these photos! Your grandmother was stunning and your mom was definitely adorable. I love the great-grandparents' shot too!

  11. I just love old family photos. :-) Clara's wedding ensemble is just stunning! Wouldn't it be amazing to find it all packed away in a box somewhere?!


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