Friday, April 17, 2015

• The Profoundly Loved Blog Party •

A few weeks back, lovely Jessica of Chronically Vintage nominated me to take part in the Profoundly Loved Blog Party! It has taken a little bit of time to get around to writing this post, but it has been quite thought-provoking and fun to answer the questions!

1. Tell me about something you love and why?
Photography! Although I don't do it that much, and I am by no means an expert on the subject, I deeply enjoy taking pictures, whether it be flowers, people, scenery or sewing projects!

2. What is one thing you do that makes you feel like "I could do this forever"? 
I'm going to give a very predictable answer to this question; sewing!! It is one of my very favorite things to do. There's just nothing like creating a garment to your exact preferences! I am so thankful for my amazing mom who taught me how!

3. What do you love about yourself? 
I'm not much of one to talk about my positive attributes, but since you're asking, I love that I am a giving person. I enjoy giving things to people, whether it is something I have made or just a gift. It makes me happy to do things for others, and it's always rewarding to see how much they enjoy receiving them!

4. What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t believe he/she is beautiful? 
I struggled with this for a long time, but finally was able to overcome it through realizing that beauty is not just looking like "everyone else." There is an unspoken law in this world that defines beauty as looking like "every" other person your age. That's not the truth at all! The only definition of beauty that I would give you is having a clean, pure heart. Psalm 45 says "The king's daughter is all glorious within." As far as outward looks go, God made you and I the way we look. He was content to make us the way we are; we are beautiful in His sight, and so we should be in our own sight! Be confident, find "your style," and you will realize just how beautiful you really are.

5. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received about confidence? 
A few years back, I was struggling with decisions in my life, and I happened to be reading through the book of Psalm at the time. I came across Psalm 27:14, which says, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." That gave me such confidence to trust in God and to follow the way that I felt He was leading me. That is one of my favorite verses!

6. If you were your own daughter/son, what important things would you tell yourself/them? 

Learn how to play an instrument!! I am so thankful that my parents had me take piano lessons; I have never regretted it for a moment! There were a few hurdles at first, but I soon learned to love playing. I wish I had learned to play more instruments when I was younger!

7. A verse, poem, sonnet, ancient-old proverb that inspires you to love yourself and others?

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Photo credit: my mom

I am nominating these lovely ladies:
 Kaitlyn of Kaitlyn's Simply Vintage
Theresa of The Tmarie Blog
Brigid of The Boyer Family Singers Blog
Emily of Emily's Vintage Visions
If any of you don't have the time or inclination to participate, I completely understand. I look forward to your answers if you do take part in it, however! :)
Many thanks to Jessica for sharing this fun Q&A!!

All photos excluding the last copyright © Esther Grace Photography


  1. Ooo I've been looking forward to this & you did not disappoint, my dear! Terrific answers, Hun.
    You are a wonderful photographer! These photos are just soooo lovely.
    I especially loved you answers on beauty & confidence - very wise.
    I agree about learning to play an instrument too. I wish I had been more diligent to practice!

    Just an excellent post, sweet & lovely girl!
    Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork

    1. Thank you, Michelle!! I love photography! :) Your answers were very inspirational, m'dear!!

  2. Esther,

    Your photography is beautiful! Loved reading all of your answers. : )


  3. What a lovely way to get to know you better Esther! I may just have to include some of these questions in my Q&A since you tagged me, but we'll see. ;)


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you, Brigid! Ooh, I can't wait for that video!! :)

  4. Thankyou Esther :) Looking forward to answering these later this week

    1. You're welcome, Kaitlyn!! I can't wait to see your answers!! :)

  5. Thank you Esther! I will try to get to this asap :). I loved your answers and your photographs, you're really good at photography!

    1. You're welcome, Theresa!! I can't wait to see your answers. Thank you! :)

  6. What wise, wonderful, engaging answers. I actually said "yes" exuberantly aloud as I read your advice for someone who is struggling with seeing their own beauty. Coming to that same realization for a substantial game changer for me, too.

    Thank you very much for playing along and for the lovely shout out, dear Esther. It was a pleasure to ready your wonderful replies.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you so much, Jessica!! Thank you for nominating me in the first place!! :)

  7. Goodness! I just realized you nominated me for this. Thank you so much. I'll add this to my up coming blog posts.

    1. You're so welcome, Emily! I can't wait to see your answers!!


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