Thursday, January 15, 2015

• VSFLO • 1950s Gingham Baby Dress •

(That's vintage sewing for little ones...just in case you'd forgotten)
Back about 4 months ago, I shamefully admit, a friend at church's daughter had a birthday. Someone procrastinated - namely me, and didn't get her little dress done until now. I think, however it was worth the wait! I absolutely love how it came out!

Of the humongous number of vintage kids' patterns that we have, (three), none of them are for a 1-year old. Problem. But around here, creativity is sometimes present, which caused me to start drawing up a pattern! I never dreamed that it would come out this good - it's actually dress-shaped and everything! ;)

I didn't want to make a tiny little dress into too big of a deal, so I decided to make it a one-piece (no seam at the waist) dress. It definitely needed some sort of accent, so I dug out some checked pink fabric that I had in the stash. It really sets it off perfectly and gives it the color that it needed. (And it's all gingham. I LOVE gingham.)

Once I had the bodice drawn up, I knew I was going to have to tackle some sort of sleeves. Oh. boy. I just really love the idea of making up sleeves! Or not! I decided to steal a sleeve from the size 6 dress pattern that we have and try to make it baby-sized. Amazingly enough, it actually worked.

The only thing I would change on the next dress would be the size of the armhole. I got a little carried away with the size of it, but it still shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

I gathered the waist area of the front on each side and topstitched on a faux waistband which continues into ties.

Originally I was going to put a little collar on the dress, but when I made the collar, I ingeniously forgot to allow seam allowances for the neckline. The result? A collar that would have been too small for a ladybug. It ended up being all for the best, however, because the bias neck binding is cuter than any little collar could have been.

And for the first time in my life, I made more than a 5/8" hem! Since the dress is for a little one, I wanted it to be able to be made longer as she grows. I literally had never made a hem that wide before, so it was a completely new experience. It turned out much better than expected! 

I can't wait to make more little clothes for little people! It's so much fun! If and when I ever get enough things sewn for myself (I think that sounds selfish, but....), I am going to start sewing little clothes for my own future use. The box of leftover fabric from my sewing projects is starting to bulge! :)


  1. You did a lovely job Esther! I love the two gingham fabric together, and the style is so sweet.

    1. Aww, thanks Sarah!! It is awfully cute...I wish I could wear it. ;)

  2. Very cute! I love the mixing of the two fabrics. I'm sure the little one is going to look adorable in this.



    1. Thank you, Victoria!! She does indeed look very cute in it!! :)

  3. Oh how sweet! I LOVE gingham too.
    Great job making up your own pattern. It turned out so cute!
    tee hee - "too small for a ladybug" ;) I really did chuckle.

    1. Thanks, Miss Michelle!! It did take a little time to think of something so clever....

  4. Wow, beautiful job Esther! I can't believe you drafted the pattern yourself! Baby clothes are the one thing that I have never quite succeeded at... Probably because I don't have very many opportunities to sew them. :)

    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you, Brigid!! Baby clothes are very fun to sew, especially since there's not that element of exact fitting required like there is with big people clothes. :)


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