Tuesday, November 25, 2014

• Circa 1905 •

I'll pretend I was planning on this post, and not a post about a sewing project. Deal? I know I promised one, but I have been busy as a bee working on 1860s underpinnings, and now, on my 1860s Christmas gown. I've got the bodice put together, and the skirt is ready to be attached to it. It is so exciting! My deadline to have the whole ensemble finished is the 6th of December, so I should (hopefully) make it just fine.
So, here's some sumptuous pictures of dresses and other lovelies from the Fairlawn Mansion Museum in Superior, Wisconsin. It is such a beautiful place, and their gift shop has the most gorgeous hats. Next time....I am getting one.

This really must be the most amazing idea ever. Adjustable pattern pieces!!! Is that ingenious or what?

Yours truly. I want to get a blouse made to go with that skirt to transform it into an 1890s Emma Timmins type outfit.

I almost melted when I got to see real live dresses from the early 1900s. Eeek!!
This blue one is so lovely, and you can see that there were two different bodices that could be worn with it. One for daytime, and one for evening, maybe? So lovely.

This is my favorite dress of all. It is simple and positively beautiful. I need some fabric like that...hehehe.

The quality of this picture is lacking because of low light conditions, bit the dress is gorgeous. That hand embroidery is exquisite.

Mmmm. Hatpins, buckles, brooches, gloves, collars, necklaces. I need it all for my collection!

The crocheter in me had to have a picture of this beautiful bed covering. That would take forever to make!!

Aaaaand, lastly, an >1860s< square grand piano that I got to play!! That was wonderful.

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Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what beauties! And you are so lucky to have been able to play that piano!


    the Middle Sister and Singer


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