Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Fat Quarter Burp Cloth

A friend at church is expecting a baby, so I wanted to come up with a little gift for her. I came across a flannel fat quarter at our local fabric shop, and I knew I had to have it. It turned out to be the perfect size for a burp cloth! The flannel is super-duper soft, and the perfect thickness for it. (And, it's such a cute pattern!!)
 You can have this little burp cloth done in less than 15 minutes, even if you've never sewed a stitch before in your life!
You will need:
a flannel fat quarter (I used Riley Blake chevron)
sewing machine

Cut the fat quarter in half.

With right sides together, sew all the way around the edges at about 3/8", leaving a 2" gap for turning.

Clip the corners. This makes it easy to turn out the corners. Don't clip too close to the sew-line.

Turn right side out and press out the seams. 

Fold and press under the open edges, so that they are even with the rest of the edges.

Sew the gap closed, and continue stitching all the way around the burp cloth. 
Backstitch (sew almost to the edge, turn around and sew over your sew-line an inch, then turn back around again and sew over the edge) when you get to the end, so you don't have to tie the ends. (I just tucked them in with a needle)
Done! Didn't I say it would be easy?

View of the topstiching

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  1. This is so beautiful! I love how easy you make this seems. While we're out of the burping stage, I think we can totally use this for our next child!


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