Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Regency Apron: Butterick 5509

My apologies for being absentee for a few days! So...I know I said I was going to make that vintage blouse, but, I just had to have a Regency apron first. I made it out of some blue floral cotton from JoAnn. I just love it. There is, however, a catch. I ended up making it the wrong size for myself, so I gave it to my mom. It fits her perfectly, and the style is actually going to be perfect to modify into a Regency-style dress. Can't wait to see that!!
Butterick 5509
Butterick 5509...still available as far as I know.
This was another good learning experience - the pattern wasn't hard, but it took a while to get it done. And I got some more practice following those mortal enemies of mine called patterns. It was a wonderful pattern though, as far as patterns go because once again, there were no buttons, zippers, sleeves, or interfacings to deal with. 
I would recommend this pattern - it's a great Regency-type apron, and a fun sewing experience. Size down, if you're in between sizes.
Have fun checking out a few pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo from Germany! I have found your website when searching for examples. Great job! I am sewing Model E right now.


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