Friday, February 21, 2014

The 1 Hour Skirt

Have you ever gotten that "I-must-make-something-NOW" feeling? Well, I got it today. So I made something. AND, it isn't just an apron either! It's an actual piece of clothing. Shocked? 
I wanted something super-duper fast, so I checked over at Make it Perfect and found this pattern. I didn't actually use her pattern, but I got the whole idea of the elastic waist from her. I used a heavy-weight knit (part of the ever-growing stash), and some 1 1/4" stretchrite elastic. To get the shape I wanted, I just traced a skirt that I have. Ideally, it was going to be a maxi skirt, but seeing as I had only 1 1/2 yards of fabric, if that, I settled for a midi. I sewed up the edges with a medium zigzag and then just left them - knit doesn't ravel, after all! The waistband I sewed together with a regular stitch (obviously), and then sewed down the ends as well.

For the hem, I serged the edge and then hand stitched it up. That was the time-consuming part. However, with some Bonanza cranked up, it went pretty fast.
^that picture makes it look kinda blech!??^ 

If you are looking for an easy, fast skirt, this is it!
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. Garden Apron pictures coming soon....taking pictures of something garden-related in February with snow all around and no vegetables, green grass or spring-like materials at hand is a slight challenge. :|


  1. awesome! Looks great! Now you have to make a matching top. :)

  2. Love! As a beginning-level seamstress, I've become way too good at one-hour skirts, belts, bags, everything...*sigh*

    I should try this one, because it incorporates some slightly more sophisticated techniques!


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