Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Made That! Thursday #8

Welcome back to I Made That! Thursday! Thank you to everyone who linked up last week! I will be posting a new tutorial very soon. Thanks for bearing with me!
I'm posting this a little early just in case the internet goes out and I can't do it tomorrow. 
Here's a few faves for this week:
Terracotta dishes from TJMaxx. I am SO in love with them. 
Made in Italy, and SUCH cute colors!
And, an added bonus is that they're reasonably priced. ($5-$15)

This SO cute and useful pitcher and bowl (also TJMaxx)
($10 each)

Playing the piano. Definitely my favorite thing to do.
(Beethoven Sonata No.20, Op 49, Mvt. 2)

What are some of your faves this week?



Popover Rugby Shirt by Call Ajaire
This is so adorable, and it's made out of an adult size shirt!
Such a great idea for remaking clothes that you don't love anymore.
Thanks so much for sharing, Ajaire!


Lunchbox Napkin Tutorial by Coffee and their Kisses
This is a really great idea for kids, and you can make it in so many different fun patterns!
Thanks for sharing, Kassandra!
Let's have a link party!


  1. Hello, I am new to your I made that Thurdays Link up.
    Thank you for hosting .
    Kim This Ole Mom

  2. Thanks for host this hop. I try to link up every week. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week end.


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