Saturday, July 13, 2013

Braided Coaster & Potholder

Finally a tutorial!! I made up my mind that I HAD to get some sort of craft done lest I forget how. So here's the tutorial for the Braided Coaster/Potholder. The only difference between the two obviously is the size. 
For a coaster, cut 6 strips of fabric approximately 3/4" wide and 22-24" long. 
For a potholder, cut 6 pieces (or 9, depending on how big you want it) 3" wide and 1 yard long. Sound like a lot, but it really isn't. Now for the instructions:
1. Cut your fabric into strips.

2. Sew the ends of three fabric strips together. 
(pretty much however you want - messy is totally okay!!) 
Tie the ends of your thread together but do not cut them. 
You will be using them for sewing the braid together later.
Begin braiding the pieces together. I suggest braiding fairly tight, 
otherwise you will end up with too loose of a "weave."
3. When you reach the end of your fabric pieces, 
place a chip clip (or other pinching apparatus) to hold the ends.
 Place another strip of fabric on a fabric end as shown. 

4. Sew the fabric pieces together. (Again, this takes ZERO talent. 
You can sew it as messy as you like and it won't matter.)
Tie ends. Repeat on other two fabric pieces.
5. Once you have the new fabric pieces sewn on, continue braiding.

6. When you reach the end of the fabric pieces, clip them together.
7. Determine which side of the braid you want to be the top or bottom.
Beginning at where you started braiding,
 twist the end inward as shown while keeping the braid flat. 

Begin sewing on the underside. 

8. Continue sewing, making sure that you make it loose enough so it doesn't pucker.

10. Before you reach the end, using another needle, 
sew the ends together just like you did at the very beginning.
Trim the ends fairly close to where you sewed them (3/8").
11. As you finish sewing, tuck the end underneath a bit so that it doesn't show.
Tie ends and weave them into the fabric.

As you can see in the picture, this coaster came out about 3 1/4" in diameter. 

The potholder is about 8 - 8 1/2" in diameter. It is pretty much the perfect size for any pot.

I hope I didn't over- or under-simplify this for you! Let me know how it works for you.
Please leave a comment and follow my blog!


  1. Thank you so much. I have wanted to try this, I just figured it was to hard. You have very simply and great instructions. I going to attempt this! Paula

  2. These are cute! I'm going to pin them, so I can make these later! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

  3. These are cool! What a great way to use up left over fabric!

  4. Hi Dolly, I love the idea. I am always looking for ways to use all my scraps of fabrics pot holders and coasters are great. Have a good day and "Keep on Sewing".

  5. Thanks for sharing this on my What Are You Doing" Blog hop! I also posted this to my facebook to share with others :)

  6. Years ago I saw a tip in a magazine about using a safety pin in the end of one of the strips - to weave that strip into the braid beside it. That way the mat grows as you braid, and the only sewing required is to join fabric ends.


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