Saturday, April 6, 2013

Six Projects in Six Weeks

Seeing this page on Brittany's Joy gave me the idea of doing the same thing. Pick six things from you Pinterest boards, and try to just get them done in six weeks. Sounds like a great idea to me!! Pinterest is VERY addicting, and we all tend to pin everything we see, but whether we would ever look at it again is a good question. So here we go. Let me know what you pick!! Here's my choices:

Top row, left to right:

Bottom row, left to right:



  1. wow i think i need to get in on this too! can't wait to see how yours turn out!

  2. Just dropping by from the #UBP13. You have a terrific blog

    here. Looking forward to getting to know you better! I hope you

    find the time to stop by my site. Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Hi, new follower here from UBP13! Your blog is absolutely adorable!!! I'm looking forward to reading up on all your posts! Please come by and follow me at
    Have a blessed day!

  4. Hi there! I'm dropping in from #UBP13. I LOVE your blog and it looks like you love DIY and chevron as much as I do. It's nice to meet you!

  5. YAY! Glad you're playing along. I majorly failed--my six weeks were up last week and I've completed four out of six (three of which are currently sitting in my draft posts waiting for pictures.... haha). Can't wait to see your projects when they're finished!

  6. Thanks for featuring my Little Geranium dresses :)


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