Thursday, August 19, 2021

• Sewing Update •

 Hello dear folks!!  It has been a little while, so I thought I'd share a little sewing (and life) update.......

So, what have I been working on??

Maternity dresses!!!!  Hubby and I are thrilled to be welcoming our baby girl in early November <3.  We're so thankful for the gift of life, and are so excited to meet our girl after what has been a whirlwind of a year!

Oh, about the dress....Butterick 6485, modified rather heavily to adapt it to maternity wear.  So comfy, adjustable with ties, and nursing friendly for post-pregnancy wear! 

A little less vintage but the most comfortable style, my favorite jumper, pattern courtesy of my best sis Sarah!!  I would honestly just make nothing but these jumpers for maternity wear; they're effortlessly comfy, and I love that they are layered with a tee or blouse beneath, as it allows you to get a couple of days' wear between washings.  This one is made from one of my favorite vintage repro prints, and I'm very happy there is enough leftover to make Baby Girl a dress in the spring!!

I've been working on Baby's sewing since getting some maternity clothes made, and it is so much fun!!!  Shown here, a 40s style dress made of vintage flannel, with a coordinating flannel blanket.  I also have been knitting on a couple of bonnets for her and I can't handle the cuteness!  :)

This little number was made from scraps from a 40s blouse I have, so Baby and I can match early on....

Detail of the dresses....

I've also been working on burp cloths, bibs, paci clips, a quilt for Baby, a quilt for my hubby, and an assortment of different projects.  I've almost finished the baby sewing for the time being, and am looking forward to starting on Christmas sewing soon!! 

I hope you are all having a lovely summer!  Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Congratulations Esther! I'm so excited for you. Babies are so sweet! I love that jumper and you look beautiful. I can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. Congratulations!! The baby clothes are adorable!

  3. Aww congratulations dearest Ester! How exciting! A sweet baby girl to fill your lives with joy!
    My husband and I are also expecting a little one (we're not finding out the gender...wanting a surprise!) in early January! Now that I'm finally over the morning sickness, I can feel baby move and my bump growing, I feel a lot more excited!
    Well done on all your sewing...the baby clothes are darling and yay for making your own maternity wear...there is such a limited selection here in South Africa...making do with dresses that have enough room to grow!
    Much love and again, hearty congratulations!

  4. Aww, congratulations!! I was wondering, you've mentioned a lot on your blog about reenactments you have been to in the past, and I wondered how do you find these? I don't know where you live, but I'm in IL and would love to travel to one or two someday. It would be even more exciting if there was a possibility of meeting you someday if we attended the same one. :) I've really enjoyed following your blog for the past several years!

  5. Congratulations! Wonderful news. So glad you are able to have a nice maternity wardrobe!!

  6. Many Congratulations Esther! It has been such an exciting year for you and I now look forward to seeing pictures of baby in November. I also love your outfits and have missed seeing these posts but I understand that you have been so busy with married life!

  7. Congratulations, Esther! You are such a beautiful mother-to-be! The maternity dress and jumper are lovely, and look so comfortable. All of the little baby dresses were a delight to see. May the Lord bless and keep you and your family!


  8. Esther, I hope that all is well and that you're enjoying your new baby girl! May God continue to bless and keep you in His loving care. Linn


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